Vampire Genre Imprints: Meet Dominique Ruthven & Elizabeth Pellori

I hate my name. Not a fan. I’m not sure why, but it’s always been the bane of my existence. It feels like I’m being shouted at whenever someone says it.

But that aside, it also says just about nothing about the type of books I produce as an author. Our author names (Carmen Dominique Taxer and Richard T. Wheeler) could indicate the writers of just about any genre. Any fit.

With this in mind, Rich and I have decided to dive into the world of imprints.

Not pen names. Although it may very well seem that way. But imprints. Sub-Author personas for our two very different styles and eras of stories.

You may have noticed that, while we have a deep, unshakable love for Era/Period stories (especially where vampires are involved), we have, recently, been traipsing into the murky territory of contemporary vampire fiction. The Vampire Thrillers and Vampire Urban Fantasies. Our Shadows & Starlight series is the flagship of this move.

These two branches are very different from one another, and, as such, we have decided to coalesce them under two author titles, Elizabeth Pellori (for our period/era novels) and Dominique Ruthven (for the contemporary).

This is a recent development, so there isn’t much to go on yet, but rest assured that we will keep you updated.